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Life of the communities

We gather to recall and give thanks as we move into the new......

4- in Canada - Date of publication 02-05-2007
On the 21st of January 07, the Sisters of our Canadian province gathered at Residence N.D. to give thanks to God for Sr. Mary Ellen O’Neill, for her 19 years of service to our Province and to mark the end of a form of government in our Canadian Province.......








   This meaningful day began with the Eucharist of Thanksgiving followed by a joyous meal. In the afternoon with the use of modern technology (power point) we shared a special prayer and tribute recalling some aspects of our history and mission. A display of the photos of Perrine our foundress and all of our Provincials since 1909 depicted the solidarity and unity of our charism and spirituality as passed down through the centuries.

   Having expressed our gratitude and appreciation to Mary Ellen we then made mention of all of our former Provincials since 1909. After each name was recalled and their photo projected on to the screen, mention was made of their accomplishments and events that occurred during their administration.

Following is a list of our former Provincials and their years of service.

Sr. Marie Louise Recton - 1909 - 1930
Sr. Marie Joseph Rondo - 1930 – 1954 

Sr. Eugenie Aucherie 1954 - 1966
Sr. Marie-Cecile Clermont - 1966 - 1975
Sr. Mary Ellen O'Neill - 1975 - 1983
Sr. Cecile Goyer - 1983 - 1990
Sr. Marie-Therese Laberge - 1990 - 1996
Sr. Mary Ellen O'Neill - 1996 - 2006

   As we recalled the leadership and achievements of each provincial Superior the sisters present were invited to reflect, express and verbalize their own experiences and recollections that affected their lives. The prayer of gratitude that followed invited each one to bring their stories, and emotions, their joys, hopes, gratitude etc.. and present them to our heavenly Father so that they be transformed into life for today.......


                                                                                  written by Sister Ann Yuhas



Consult the archives
See the 5 latest articles below
Harrytown, Romiley Centenary Celebration
1- All the congregation - Date of publication 01-31-2013
January 13th. 1913 : a new school
January 13th. 2013 : 970 pupils
Peruvian Congregational Leaders meet in Lima.....
6- in Peru - Date of publication 12-05-2011
The Peruvian National Conference of Major Superiors was held from November 22nd to the 25th in Pueblo Libre, Lima.
4- in Canada - Date of publication 11-05-2011
Alberta’s Catholic Sisters were honoured for their pioneering contributions in education, health care and social services.
News from us
1- All the congregation - Date of publication 08-26-2011
We are pleased to take up the thread of our information on the website.

2- in France - Date of publication 06-28-2010
A celebration of religious life was held at the parish of Saint Pierre/Saint Vénérand in Laval the 30th and 31st January 2010.
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Young People and Adults share with the sisters, the charism of the Foundress Perrine Thulard...
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The "Society of Daughters of Charity" is founded in 1682 and dedicated to teaching and care of the sick...
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The founding intuition
"Conserve Charity, Simplicity, Union an Humility" still directs our way of life
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We are of roman rite, divided into Provinces or Delegations...
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