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100th anniversary of the foundation of Sacred Heart Parish marked by pilgrimage……

4- in Canada - Date of publication 11-01-2006
Red Deer’s Sacred Heart Parish honours founding Tinchebray priests, Les Soeurs de la Sagesse, Les Soeurs de la Charité de N.D. d'Évron and many dedicated pioneer laity during a three day pilgrimage to Tisdale, Saskatchewan.

On October 10th 37 pilgrims gathered in Red Deer’s Sacred Heart Parish Church celebrating Eucharist around the theme of “Reconciliation” as they set off making their way to Tisdale in Saskatchewan. Tinchebray Father Henri Voisin founded the Sacred Heart Parish in Red Deer and many other of the parishes in central Alberta, including St. Anne of the Prairies in Trochu, in the early 1900’s inviting both Les Sœurs de La Sagesse and Les Sœurs de la Charité de N.D. d'Évron from France to come to Canada and help with the missionary work. Les Peres de Sainte-Marie de Tinchebray, a religious congregation founded in Normandy, France, were particularly dedicated to teaching. In addition to founding numerous parishes they were instrumental in the establishment of schools and hospitals in central Alberta in those early days and from 1924 onward continued their mission in central Saskatchewan.

In 1904, these priests established themselves near Trochu Valley buying land and breaking it for farming and ranching among other the French homesteaders of this area. By 1914 these priests were ministering to more than 45 rural communities and mining towns meeting the various challenges facing the everyday lives of early settlers including learning English and a number of other languages as well. To help them in this ministry they sought the able assistance of two religious congregations of women know to them in France: Les Sœurs de La Sagesse and Les Soeurs de la Charité de Notre-Dame d’Évron. Representatives from each of these two congregations---Laura and Gloria from the Sisters of Évron---joined in this time of pilgrimage as well as many dedicated lay persons and Father Don Stein, the present pastor from Red Deer’s Sacred Heart Parish.

This pilgrimage was a vibrant time of celebration, of remembering in gratitude for the faith and courage of those preceding us on the journey of faith, of service in the footsteps of Jesus!

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