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Life of the communities

Sisters of Charity Notre Dame d’Évron leave Vegreville after 95 years of faith-filled service and collaboration with the local people in reaching out to the vulnerable ones…….

4- in Canada - Date of publication 06-02-2005
On Saturday May 21st several sisters assisted by some faithful associates held an all-day sale of the household items from the Sister’s house in Vegreville. Many hours of diligent labour by some very courageous folks went into preparing for this sale!

    The untimely death of Sister Ruth due to cancer hastened the sister’s need to withdraw from the Vegreville mission established 95 years ago. During these past 95 years there has been and continues to be so many changes and adaptations needing to be negotiated. From the establishment of the first Vegreville hospital in 1910 to the recent transfer ceremony held this past June passing the sponsorship of St. Joseph’s General Hospital to the Catholic Health Corporation of Alberta the sister’s apostolate of compassionate, competent care for the most vulnerable in our society continues to be carried forth in very capable and caring hands. A School of Nursing was established in 1915 providing an excellent preparation for young women desiring to spend their lives caring for the sick. This School of Nursing was in operation for over fifty years and trained well over four hundred very dedicated nurses.

    Over the years the sisters were always very involved in local parish life collaborating with clergy and parishioners in the on-going mission of announcing the Good News of the Gospel in simple, very ordinary gestures or words of kindness and friendly support!

    It isn’t easy to take leave of a mission established so very long ago but the care, support, assistance and promise of on-going friendships ease the pain of such a huge task! Associates, neighbours, friends and former work colleagues came to lend a helping hand and be with the sisters through this process of letting go as household items were sold. As is the sister's custom, all the profits coming from garage sales and the sale of household items are sent in support of the various missionary projects of the congregation. It's always so good to talk about both our cherished memories and those budding courageous future plans.

    Although the sisters are no longer physically present among the people of Vegreville, together we share many treasured memories and the assurance that God journeys with all of us in the days ahead leading us forth and guiding us to live the mission wherever we are in the face of today’s particular circumstances.

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News from us
1- All the congregation - Date of publication 08-26-2011
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2- in France - Date of publication 06-28-2010
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