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The associates

Associates and Sisters celebrate Perrine’s triduum on November 5th…….

4- in Canada - Date of publication 12-06-2005
Each year during Perrine’s triduum Sisters and Associates from each of the four local groups gather in Edmonton to re-dedicate themselves following in the footsteps of Jesus according to the intuition and charism of their beloved foundress, Perrine Thulard……..

Our day together began with a time of informal visiting over coffee and snacks generously provided by the Bonnyville group of associates.  The atmosphere is always one of real joy as everyone arrives, catches up on the news and shares insights..........  

We began the more formal part of our time together with a warm welcome and a few highlights from Mary Ellen followed by a long moment of prayer during which we celebrated our dedication in the footsteps of Jesus in the particular manner of Perrine.  This year those making their dedication for the first time were invited to come forward, receive a small candle lit from the Christ candle and then express in their own words the essence of this gift of being nourished by our solid, scripturally based uncomplicated spirituality for everyday living.   They then placed their lit candle on the sunflower cloth of the centre of beauty forming a wonderful path of light!   After those celebrating their dedication for the first time had placed their lights, the remainder of those present also received a small candle lit from the Christ candle placing them, in turn, on the path of light creating a truly wondrous sight!!   We turned down the overhead lights taking time just to enjoy the beauty of our path of light created as one by one we lit our small candles from the Christ candle and joined our light with those of all the others!   The Fort Saskatchewan and Bonnyville associate groups generously helped in the preparation of our prayer celebration.   Mary Ellen had brought back a copy of the power point presentation put together by Clare Kelly, the provincial in the English province, during her recent visit with our sisters in Peru.   This presentation was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone!

We enjoyed a simple catered meal as we continued visiting with each other.  During the afternoon following Mary Ellen’s insightful update from the September meeting of the 'Counsel of the Congregation' in England we discussed plans for the coming year exchanging ideas, preferences and insights as well as naming the various volunteers….in view of the production of Canada’s associate page in Internews, for example. 

 The Canadian associates hold very dear to their hearts the well-being and success of the congregation’s missions and pray in a special way for those in initial formation.   Pictures help to make the various projects in Africa or Peru more concrete and interesting.   Available photos of those sisters in initial formation also make these young women, their commitment and mission ever more real and tangible. 

There are many folks among us with talents that so enhance the life of the group: photography skills, ingenious creativity in album making, creativity in putting together the various prayer times and finding just the right items to make our celebrations so meaningful and of course baking delicious name but a few!  

As we said good-bye we were aware of the enthusiasm and life-giving energy among us.   It is such a blessing to sense support, generosity, enthusiasm and experience something of the Gospel coming to life among us in our day!

Consult the archives
See the 5 latest articles below
During this year
2- in France - Date of publication 06-28-2010
The meeting of the Associates that took place in October was, as you can imagine, a time for sharing what happened in Evron and in Canada for the Centenary of the sisters’ arrival.

3- in England - Date of publication 03-11-2010
The Associates and some Sisters recently made some pilgrimages. One of these was to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Walsingham which is in the east of England.
A hundred years… That can be understood in various ways

4- in Canada - Date of publication 11-09-2009
Perrine has been present in the West of Canada for a hundred years in the person of the Sisters who took up a challenge and accomplished a great acheivement. Each one left her own corner of Mayenne to go to “the other end of the earth” as people said at the time and we can imagine the strong faith that motivated them.
Sister Marie-Louise Recton whose memory is still alive in Alberta

4- in Canada - Date of publication 11-09-2009
Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that a young woman, one of my relatives (Sister Marie-Louise Recton, first provincial of the sisters of Evron in Canada) would have had such a lasting effect on a community.
The Fortsaskatchewan Associates

4- in Canada - Date of publication 06-15-2009
The Fort Saskatchewan Associates meet on a monthly basis after the 11:00 mass, usually at Our Lady of Angels Parish church hall if the meeting rooms are not being used. This has provided us the opportunity to have Fathers Francis and John join us on several occasions.
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School of spirituality
Young People and Adults share with the sisters, the charism of the Foundress Perrine Thulard...
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The "Society of Daughters of Charity" is founded in 1682 and dedicated to teaching and care of the sick...
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The founding intuition
"Conserve Charity, Simplicity, Union an Humility" still directs our way of life
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We are of roman rite, divided into Provinces or Delegations...
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